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Daily grace… networking that exalts the Word.

I’ve felt increasingly uncomfortable with mainstream social media channels.

Alarming updates to privacy policies.

Blatant censorship.

Harmful content.

All of this has had me praying over whether or not to continue to promote Gracious May in these places.

I have had the ability to reach tens of thousands with God’s Word and I have forged some true relationships.  For these I praise the Lord, and I will continue to be a light on whatever platform I can. 

But I have a desire to invest the larger portion of my time in building a network that honors Christ.

So I am “throwing out the fleece”, as they say. I’ve prayed and now I’d like to see if there are 100 individuals interested in joining this email network.

This is not a boycott, but rather a way to say: “YES! I want to invest in a different way.”

Lordwilling, if I can reach my goal of 100, I will be sharing about our products at Gracious May, other brands and individuals, and encouragement from the Word of God… by the grace of God.

It will be simple. Just an email, a Word of encouragement, and maybe a photo or two.

Will you join me?


“And he said unto me, My grace is sufficient for thee: for my strength is made perfect in weakness.” 2 Corinthians 12:9

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  1. Even if I am the only one, I would love to join with you! 🥰🙏🏽

  2. Thank you for all you do! We love your shoes and your purpose!

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