The newly designed GraciousMay.com is LIVE! We are so thrilled and grateful to announce Gracious May’s newest chapter: The Made in U.S.A. Marketplace. GraciousMay.com has undergone a complete makeover, but not to worry, all of your favorite products are still there. The Gracious May Marketplace is an expanded range of exclusively MADE IN U.S.A. products for mother and child!
The second part of this exciting announcement is that we are now accepting vendor applications! It’s our goal to continue to broaden GraciousMay.com’s selection, so if you produce MADE IN U.S.A goods, apply to sell those at GraciousMay.com! (application instructions at graciousmay.com) Gracious May wants to be the one-stop shop for beautiful, Made in U.S.A. Apparel and Gifts. Shop GraciousMay.com today!!
“Ephesians 3:21 Unto him be glory in the church by Christ Jesus throughout all ages, world without end. Amen.” Ephesians 3:20-21 #GraciousMay #MadeinUSA